It’s time for brave brevity. It’s time for Vivian Kirkfield’s #50PreciousWords writing challenge. Coming in at exactly 50 words, here’s my entry:


Moose Wants to Play!



“Moose!” screeched Owl. “Vamoose! You’re too big for Duck, Duck, Goose.”

Moose clumped on.

Rabbit and Hedgehog twirled a rope.

“Little white rabbit, hop…”

“Moose! Stop! You can’t hop!”

Moose stumped on.

Porcupine tossed a ring.



Moose slumped…

“Wait! Your antlers CAUGHT the ring!”




Also, this week I’ll be participating in Madness! Poetry. That’s right, it’s the March Madness of children’s poetry! Created by Ed DeCaria, it really is “the greatest kids’ poetry tournament on earth.” This will be my first year competing as an “authlete.” I hope you’ll check it out!

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